Month: August 2023

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Sales Qualification Questions & Sales Discovery Questions with B2B Examples

Sales Qualification Questions & Sales Discovery Questions with B2B Examples

Being skilled in asking great sales qualification questions is the key to success in selling, the quality of your sales discovery questions is directly related to your sales close rate! In fact, I can guarantee that if you can ask great sales qualification / sales discovery questions then you will automatically be near the top…

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Driving Sales Performance: Strategies for Growth, Revenue Optimisation, and Market Dominance

Driving Sales Performance: Strategies for Growth, Revenue Optimisation, and Market Dominance

Is looking at Sales Improvement Strategies at the top of your leadership agenda this year? Recent research states that the primary concern of CEOs today is the stability of their revenue streams. This suggests stability over growth. This is telling in itself. No competitive organisation should be aiming for stability in a competitive space. It…

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Next Level Sales Coaching Services for Growth

Next Level Sales Coaching Services for Growth

Are you looking for Sales Coaching Services? Then check out our special offer below – specifically designed to introduce you to sales coaching with minimum investment. We offer next level sales coaching services to sales consultants, sales team leaders, sales managers and directors, as well as executive leaders who need to solve critical sales challenges….

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Sales Analysis | Data Driven Sales Growth

Sales Analysis | Data Driven Sales Growth

Sales performance analysis is crucial to an organisation for several reasons. It provides valuable insights and data-driven decision-making capabilities that can significantly impact the success of a company, and it improves agility to any changemes or movements before they become trends. Sales Performance Analysis | What to Measure? What gets measured gets managed! We’ve all…

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Competitive Selling Strategy – Why Letting Go of the Old Means Winning More Sales

Competitive Selling Strategy – Why Letting Go of the Old Means Winning More Sales

Building your competitive selling strategy a critical first step in improving sales performance, but…. Too often it’s over complicated, knee jerk and identical to competitors…and when that happens Then so starts the race to the bottom! So, why do so many teams get wrong? Why don’t sales results reflect ambitions? Why is every month a…

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Sales Prospecting: Unlocking Sales Growth By Design

Sales Prospecting: Unlocking Sales Growth By Design

Sales prospecting over the last 4 years has become increasingly tough Connecting with decision makers is the number one sales frustration with many sales teams. That is a proven fact. Some people will hide behind their email. Others won’t picks up calls from telephone numbers they don’t recognise. But whilst all the gurus out there…

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Sales Metrics | Selecting the Best Sales Key Performance Indicators are Critical Success Factor in Driving Sales Improvement

Sales Metrics | Selecting the Best Sales Key Performance Indicators are Critical Success Factor in Driving Sales Improvement

Selecting your sales metrics, your sales key performance indicators (KPI), can make a big difference in how your sales team perform, how they thrive and how they build efficiency and effectiveness into their every day sales activities, habits and sales mindset. This is especially useful in any sales improvement or sales turnaround situation, but also critical around any sales training intervention or coaching situation. If you’re not actively managing the critical sales metrics – how will you know what you’re doing is working, and what to do to make it work better?

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