Sales Qualification

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Sales Qualification Questions & Sales Discovery Questions with B2B Examples

Sales Qualification Questions & Sales Discovery Questions with B2B Examples

Being skilled in asking great sales qualification questions is the key to success in selling, the quality of your sales discovery questions is directly related to your sales close rate! In fact, I can guarantee that if you can ask great sales qualification / sales discovery questions then you will automatically be near the top…

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Open Ended Sales Questions Increase Sales Conversion Rates

Open Ended Sales Questions Increase Sales Conversion Rates

Open ended sales questions are the fundamental backbone of any value-laded sales call. You are NOT a walking brochure…so you need great sales questions Always remember – you ARE an industry expert, a trusted advisor to the buyer. You are also a sales counsellor. You coach the prospect and their buying group through options. You’ll…

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Using BANT in Sales to Improve Sales Results

Using BANT in Sales to Improve Sales Results

What is BANT in Sales ? BANT in sales means just one thing – a smart way of establishing the critical success factors in a sales interaction with a prospect. It’s the most basic, yet often the most ignored, conversational structure for meeting the buyer where they are in their journey….BUT, handle with care because…

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