Building your competitive selling strategy a critical first step in improving sales performance, but….
Too often it’s over complicated, knee jerk and identical to competitors…and when that happens
Then so starts the race to the bottom!
So, why do so many teams get wrong?
Why don’t sales results reflect ambitions?
Why is every month a struggle?
I’ve encountered these problems in client organisations for over 20 years…
And in almost all of those encounters their sales performance and growth struggles have been needless, costly and ultimately destructive.
Quite simply, clarity stopped them getting the results they needed.
Yet, holding on to ‘doing what they have always done’ and expecting different results seemed more comfortable to them than ditching what doesn’t work in favour of something new, that does work!
Running a Competitive Selling Strategy is Easier than You Think!
Once you know exactly what you need to focus on, and once you get comfortable with rejecting everything else, then sales growth is possible, and often fairly immediate.
Mindset and focus holds more sales teams back that lack of skills ever will…FACT.
The question is – are you prepared to let go of stuff that’s not working for you anymore?
Could you do that?
Could you trade what you know isn’t working for a better future?
You might be asking – why should you?
It’s a fair question
After all, what do I know?
I know this – check it out….
Here’s a quick success story of a software company, losing money, dropping deals they should have won, and simply being eaten alive in a competitive, commoditised space.
Three months later:
- Average order value – went from less than £750 to £3.3k.
- Close rate from 1 in 26 to 1in 6
- Sat demo’s increased by 80%
- Reduced sales team head count
The company moved from losing money every month through to break even, in three short months…growth, month on month , followed swiftly.
How did they do it?
Competitive Selling Strategy – Case Study 2
Organisation, professional services, failing to convert inbound leads, wasting opportunities and stifling new business
- Conversion rate at <3% – two months later – + 10%, 9 months later 14% and growing to 29% on some months
- Average order value – nearly doubled
- Sales cycle time – dropped from 56 days to less than 30 days
This was not a ‘need to have’ product, it was a B2B nice to have…competition for budget was fierce, and their brand and legacy old, dusty and jaded.
Winning the Sales Game
When I completed my MBA in 2014 – my dissertation was only ever going to be on one thing – how organisations can take control of their sales performance and quickly make it better.
Tired of seeing looooong drawn out sales change management programs, expensive and slow moving consultants, with little to no real sales experience, I wanted to call time on such a waste of time, money effort and employee goodwill.
Conflicting agendas between consultants wanting to claim glory and organisations struggling with massive / fruitless change management programs saw firms getting into worse positions that when they started.
Instead, I wanted to help the CEOs and Sales Directors solve their sales challenges:
- Easily
- Quickly
- Simply
- Sustainably
And I’ve done that for the last 20 years – help business leaders and sales directors get the sales results they want!
To find out how, I’ve helped them, and how I can do the same for you, then book your free consultation on 0779 002 1885
Your Competitive Strategy | Defining Your Success
Your competitive strategy reaps results when you do the right things, in the right way, with the right people at the right time, so when you’re not getting the sales results you want – fix one or more of the above!
I guarantee today that your sales function are:
- Leaving money on the table that they could take if they knew how
- Discounting more than they need
- Needlessly extending sales cycles – meaning sluggish cash flow
- Wasting at least 2 hours a day – at least – pitching to the wrong people
- Have GOLD stashed away in they CRM – but can’t find it because of all the rubbish that’s also in there
Do you really want to carry on this way?
Call today…
I offer DWY (done with you) sales improvement and DFY (done for you) sales improvement.
All sales improvements are data driven – using the Morton Kyle Sales Insights Audit
All sales training is waffle free, practical and designed to address the needs of the modern buyer – here’s the Morton Kyle Sales Training Charter
Why struggle with an underperforming sales function any longer?
There is just no need.
Book your call today – 0779 002 1885.
No waffle, direct and honest feedback, proven methods, fully support to help you get the sales results you want.
In the words of my clients….
Carol is the most dynamic and energetic Consultant I have ever worked with. She has helped me re-shape our entire sales process which resulted in a 50% leap in profits! Carol has the flair and imagination to add measurable value to any business. I look forward to working with her until the day she retires!
Carol’s skill is in raising the bar for the people she helps. She is constantly challenging them to be all that they can be; and when they cannot see it for themselves, she lifts them up and shows them the view. Overall I found the process valuable in being able to take a step back from the coal face, reflect on issues and focus on action.
Don’t wait to book your call – you’re competitors would put you out of business tomorrow – your competitive selling strategy can stop them dead!

With so much information available about how to improve sales, the best sales methods, the changing needs of buyers, what sales process to use… it’s often tough to know where to start if you want better sales results.
That’s why we create CLARITY from CONFUSION!
With our holistic approach to improving B2B sales performance, my clients can see an immediate uplift in sales outputs because we only focus on the elements of your sales function that are dragging your sales results down.
There is nothing hit and miss with our sales improvement interventions – whether that’s sales coaching, sales training or sales strategy.
What does that mean for you? Faster progress, less effort, fewer changes, less friction, smoother transition from the old to the new.
Don’t get bogged down in out the box sales solutions and ‘hit and run’ sales training – you’re closer than you think to getting the sales results you want, you don’t need to start from scratch.
So, what’s your sales challenge?
Let’s chat!