Sales Training | From Cold > Sold | Sales Improvement Workshop

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Sales Training | From Cold > Sold | Sales Improvement Workshop

The Sales Improvement Workshop | Sales Training Designed for Your Growth

As a Sales Leader with sales performance improvement as your mission – welcome to the data driven, results based sales improvement training specifically designed to help you and your team hit those sales targets!

The Sales Improvement Workshop – where you can continue enjoying continuous sales improvement long after we’ve left.

Join us and let us create for you a sales performance improvement training course based on understanding where you are today, and where you’d like to be.

No Fluff – very direct, how to sell, how to make more sales, more margin, more often!

No Padding – wasting budget on things the team already do well

Just practical and proven ways of selling that will work for you and your team

Together we’ll develop a bespoke sales improvement plan, introduce practical and actionable sales improvement ideas, and at the same time bring fun and competitiveness back into the sales team.

Designing Sales Performance Improvement Training that works is based on science – understanding why you’re getting the current sales results AND then knowing what to do to move the Conversion Rate, Closes, Revenue, Margin and Pipeline Value dials in the right direction.

Sales Improvement | Continuous Sales Performance Improvement | Future Proofing Your Sales Training Investment

And the good news is – we’ll show you and your sales leadership team how to re-run the course so that whenever you need to focus on sales improvement – you already have the internal skill set to forge ahead with continuous sales improvement initiatives.

Join us on The Sales Improvement Workshop and discover how you can increase sales performance, win more business, and take the whole sales team with you.

Not Just Any Sales Training | The Sales Improvement Workshop

We work this way because we how it’s easy to get into a head spin when it comes to improving sales performance – after all – where do you start?

And this can stop some sales leaders taking action, which means the problems just get worse.

At Morton Kyle we look at sales improvement through a different lens.

We start by helping sales leaders understand why they’re getting the sales results they are, then building sales action plans to to drive key sales metrics, that in turn drive all those numbers you’re targeted on, like, revenue, margin, conversion and growth.

Helping you simplify your sales improvement journey is what we do! And that continues long after we’ve left, because you’ll now have the sales blueprint to move your sales results at whatever pace you wish…

Sales Performance Improvement | Create Your Sales Improvement Plan to Remove One Sales Blocker At A Time!

Not all sales teams fail for the same reason.

That’s why your Sales Improvement Workshop is designed to combat your specific sales challenges….you might find your challenges span from inability to close to struggling with forecasting, or perhaps not able to fill the diary with meetings/demos, or simply not being able to handle the competitors swamping around your sectors.

Join us – we’ll show you how you can fix these problems and many more.

If you’re a Sales Director, Sales Lead, CEO consistently experiencing low sales – revenues, margin or conversion rates – then we should speak – book your call now on 0779 002 1885. It’s 30-45 minutes at the end of which you can decide if the fit is right for you…

Your Sales Improvement Journey Start Today Ready for Better Sales Tomorrow

What worked 3 years ago won’t work now!

Today, it is highly likely that under-performing sales teams struggle because of circumstances in their control that they are simply unaware of…

Not addressing those hidden blockers comes at a cost. The longer they’re left unchallenged, the higher the cost.

Low conversion rates, poor pipeline management, losing business to lesser competitors, getting bounced out of deals on price and just not getting the buyer in to a state where they WANT to sign, escalating cost of sales… all carry a burden….whether that’s poor forecasting, unstable cash flow or just the uncertainty of not knowing what the next 6 months looks like….

If you’re recognising any of these sales challenges then The Sales Improvement Workshop is here you unlock your sales potential once and for all.

Sales Performance Improvement | Sales Improvement Workshop - Increasing sales performance, improving sales performance, sales improvement plan
Improve sales performance with the Sales Improvement Workshop
Start Now

The Sales Improvement Workshop is a unique opportunity to reset the sales culture and sales DNA in your business. It’s an opportunity to deep dive and reset for growth, profitability, stability and certainty, instilling all the sales success skills and habits your team need to thrive.

The Sales Improvement Workshop – Improving sales performance, building your sales improvement plan, building sales success into your business DNA and starting your journey to continuous sales improvement is available to you now

Start Here          

Improving Sales Performance – Long After the Course is Complete

Because the sales training course, sales improvement plan and knowledge transfer, sales reporting templates and support are all designed specifically for your sales function, the sales growth doesn’t stop when we leave.

So, if you’re looking to get out of a sales rut, launch a new product/service, break through a sales plateau, or simply want to beat your competitors, you’ll get the tools, processes, skills and habits to achieve, backed by 6 months support and sales metrics dashboards to drive sales performance.

The Sales Improvement Workshop improves is geared to improving sales performance from the foundations…especially useful if growth at scale is your ambition.

The Sales Improvement Workshop | Selling in Challenging Times

Sales training designed specifically to support sales transformation. This is hearts and minds sales training. Helping you take your Buyer from Cold to Sold!

Based on an in depth sales audit, your sales improvement plan will be designed to address your specific sales blockers – including:

  • Introducing a structured sales process that works – the Frictionless Sell
  • Positioning – establishing your unique position in the marketplace
  • Removing blockers that stop you maximising sales conversion rates from Leads, to Opportunities, to Appointments, to Quotes to Sales
  • Updating sales techniques in New Business Sales
  • Incorporating Cross Selling, Upselling, Value Based Pricing and other modern selling techniques
  • Maximising account management channels – revenue, community and referrals
  • Putting the sales team back in the driving seat using critical sales metric management, pipeline planning and pipeline repair – building reflection and accountability at an individual level
  • Dealing with rejection
  • Negotiation
  • Demonstrating RO Ifor your buyer profiles
  • Building value propositions based on buyer profiles
  • Being problem and solution centric
  • Flushing out the Sales Pipeline and CRM
  • Engaging buyer groups
  • Forecasting – accurate, solid and timely
  • Get crystal clear on productivity, time management and planning for sales success

Sales Transformation | Sales Skills | Sales Habits | Sales Process | Sales DNA

The Sales Improvement Workshop delivers

  • The most up to date and relevant business development and sales training based on understanding your buyers and how they are buying today
  • Pathways to eliminate the competition, even the discount competition, by building value into every step of the sales process and using the sales process as a key differentiator
  • A simple and workable sales process that consistently feeds the sales pipeline with high quality, well qualified sales opportunities
  • High levels of accountability within the sales team to help them recognise why they aren’t achieving target and how to flip the trend
  • Insight into how to consistently ask for introductions and referrals
  • Techniques to consistently up sell, cross sell and maximise the average order value in any transaction
  • Ways to block out competitors by exploring the conversation between price, value and risk.
  • Relief from the ‘no-decision’ time wasters

Book the Leading How to Sell Workshop Today | Consistently increase Sales Performance

To book your Sales Improvement Workshop call Carol on 0779 002 1885 to discuss your current sales position.

Sales Transformation and Growth | Sales Improvement Plan | Improving Sales Performance

Based on an in depth sales audit – so you know we’ve fixing what needs fixing – no wasted time, budget or distractions

Supported delivery – no theory – just practical input and guidance

Full knowledge transfer – so your team get everything they need to continue to thrive after we’ve finished

Sales Growth Reporting Templates – including sales leakage report, sales process audit and sales pipeline audit

6 months support – helping you bed in the skills, habits and insights to help you grow, building predictability, stability and scale-ability as you wish

UK Sales Improvement Workshop – is it really for you?

The first step to take is to book your call – call Carol on 0779 002 1885 – and let’s discuss your current sales challenges – if we can help you, then great. If not, we’ll sign post you to someone who can.

Your success is our success! So we won’t work with you if we don’t feel we can make a marked difference.

After you’ve attended the Sales Improvement Workshop, I know you’ll change the way you think and go about selling forever.

There is a reason that over 54% of sales people will struggle to hit their sales target this year.

Here is your opportunity to make sure your sales function doesn’t become a statistic. Uncovering the real sales potential in the team gives your the freedom of choice. Where you spend you focus, time, resources on cash…once you no longer have to worry about sales.

Book your dates now, call to check availability.

Call Carol on 0779 002 1885 to check dates and availability.

Look forward to seeing you at your Sales Improvement Workshop

Join us on the Sales Improvement Workshop – Start working with your buyers, and help them make the best buying decision for them!

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