Month: October 2018

Home / 2018 / October
What is a Sales Close? Probably Not What You Think…

What is a Sales Close? Probably Not What You Think…

What is a Sales Close? Simple answer… It’s a sales mindset that guides you and the sales prospect through your sales process. We’ve all heard the line about ‘always be closing’…yawn! But…it’s not wrong. How many sales closes do most sales people build into their sales pitch? How many sales closes do you build into…

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Exceptional Turnover And Margin Make For A Great Story…

Exceptional Turnover And Margin Make For A Great Story…

Sales results tell a story… In fact, the world is built on stories. Yours, mine, everyone’s world is based on a collection of stories. It’s how we make sense of things we don’t immediately understand. Stories help us learn. Help us process information. Hard wire information into our memories. It’s how we relate to each…

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Sales Improvement & Business Development | Looking Beyond Sales Results

Sales Improvement & Business Development | Looking Beyond Sales Results

Sales Improvement in the Business Development function via Sales Audits, Sales Training, Continuous Sales Improvement Structures and carefully monitoring the key sales metrics. Building growth and success into every sales and business development function using continuous sales improvement

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