Cold Calling Training for Telesales | B2B Telesales Training for New Business

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Cold Calling Training for Telesales | B2B Telesales Training for New Business

Cold calling and B2B Telesales Training designed to cover Call Structure, Sales Language, Sales Skills and Mindset

From working with under-performing sales teams to help them quickly get better at selling and B2B telesales, there are a few critical pillars that impact success in cold calling,B2B telesales and telephone sales functions….fix these your success is almost guaranteed.

Left unaddressed then sales results are unlikely to improve and your B2B telesales efforts will be a continual struggle

The good news is – there are some simple sales training fixes that can be applied, that deliver a hike in results quickly and with minor disruption. Often with a turnaround in sales outputs in hours, not days or weeks.

Underperforming B2B Telesales Team will often display some or all of the following:

  1. The B2B telesales conversations are nowhere near conversational enough, they are either too ‘hit and run’, broadcast focussed, or so generic there is zero connection, and the prospect can easily end the call
  2. Sales reps go for the ‘sell’ much too early and completely without context – sales discovery is missing
  3. Lack of understanding around the buyers position and their needs, and the value your organisation can offer
  4. Which means, not enough attention is given to building value for the prospect
  5. The first 20 seconds of mostB2B telesales calls are totally wasted, and end up alienating the prospect.
  6. The cold caller has no idea how to engage in a peer to peer conversation in a consultation so presents as a sales rep just dialling randomly, hoping to find someone to talk at.

Do you recognise any of these in your B2B telesales team?

Because if you do, that’s ok…I’ve got some really easy fixes – so whether you’re looking for telesales training, cold calling training or an energising sales training course to blow away the cobwebs, reset the course for success then we’ve got the sales training course for you

Why Training for Telesales and Cold Calling is Critical For Growth

The skills your telesales team gains, how to think about sales, how to engage, present, question, build value are all critical to helping close more sales, more often and building a stronger sales pipeline

And also because we know that sometimes all the sales fixes in the world are meaningless if the telesales team don’t have a winning mindset.

In every sales situation, being able to think like a professional and successful sales person is something that’s even more critical than the six issues above.

Put simply, rejection, and how the sales team view it is the difference between how they approach, interact, influence and persuade the buyer.

Having the right sales language, winning sales call structure, all the objection handing techniques, will be meaningless if the team don’t believe in themselves.

Our training for telesales teams in changing hearts and minds….and engagement, activity levels, ownership of results and motivation!

Sales Mindset Killing Your Sales Effort Straight Out the Blocks?

Quite often, rejection is seen as just being part of the telesales job!

I don’t believe that is true.

I believe that by accepting this as a truth, this impacts not only the mental state of the sales person, but the way they approach the prospect and the sales call, because…

The world has a strange way of giving you exactly what you expect…

And when sales prospect senses that you’re expecting to get rejected…

Rejections levels increase!

That’s why on our telesales training courses – we look at:

  • Sales Skills
  • Engaging the Buyer Quickly
  • Perfect Prospecting
  • Questioning with Ease
  • Influence and Persuasion
  • Developing a Winning Sales Mindset
  • Dealing with Rejection
  • Language
  • Sales Call Structure
  • Value Creation
  • Prospect Perspective

On attending our telesales training course, your telesales team have all the skills, focus and tenacity to engage the prospect with a compelling position, build value and have a meaningful sales exchange.

Plus, it dramatically reduces rejection rates – meaning you’ve got a fully focussed and dynamic sales team that believe they can achieve anything!

Helping your sales team switch from Sales Reps to be Peer-to-Peer Sales Consultants would be the biggest gift you could give them.

Training for Telesales | Welcome to the Morton Kyle B2B Telesales Training Course and Cold Calling Training

Designed specifically for the cold callers, lead generators, appointment setters and new business developers, direct sales teams and b2b telesales teams who want to reach the top of their sales game.

I’ve brought together every single thing I know, I’ve learned and I’ve seen work in sales teams from the last 20 years, from lots of sectors, different industries and thousands of sales teams and wrapped it all up in The Sales Improvement Workshop

Check out the link for details – I STILL use these skills every single day, for my business, for my clients, with my sales teams and I know what works!

Select Morton Kyle B2B Telesales Training Courses | Cold Calling Training

I cover all the aspects of cold calling, telephone sales and B2B telesales new business generation you’d expect from the basic core principles of good selling to the modern sales methods that today’s buyers respond to.

In an climate with longer sales cycles, a greater aversion to risk, more decision makers in the sales engagement stage and a reluctance to spend, then modern buyers are a tough bunch….and we’ve not even started to talk about getting the finance team on board!

Evident in our telesales training courses, my telesales and cold calling philosophy is to:

  • Make EVERY single cold call and new business outreach matter
  • position a ‘No; for what it is. A ‘NO’ today does not mean ‘NO’ forever
  • Build the the sales pipeline consistently every single day
  • Qualify thoroughly and position accordingly
  • Look for value positioning
  • Have 4X target in your sales pipeline
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for the business
  • Build in sales strategies that prevent you from being ghosted or having to stalk prospects to sign
  • Build and adopt a winning sales position

Making Every Telesales Call Count | Cold Calling Should be Fun and With the Right Telesales Training Course It Will Be!

Here are 18 ways for telesales teams to frame a cold outreach – and we cover every one in The Sales Improvement Workshop

Here are just 18 outcomes we should expect from a cold sales call…BEFORE we accept any kind of rejection!

  1. Book a meeting from a cold call
  2. Arrange a demo
  3. Gain a referral
    • Get two referrals!
  4. Build industry insight for the buyer and
  5. Gain industry insight from the buyer
  6. Explore opportunities to start to build the relationship across the broader stakeholder group
  7. Gather information on the competitors, the industry, the sector, the prospect’s industry, sector and competitors
  8. Fully profile a qualified lead including timelines
  9. Explore any mutual connections and networks
  10. Proffer case studies and relevant testimonials
  11. Assess the potential for a commercial partnership
  12. Leave the prospect as a positive advocate of your business
  13. Discover how to get on the preferred supplier list
  14. Find out the timing for any realistic and valuable RFI (request for information) opportunities
  15. Build a valuable connection where the door is always open
  16. Start a relationship that can be revisited at an agreed / expect date
  17. Build an organisational family tree of prospects, referrers, influences, cheque book holders and any other stakeholders
  18. Introduce them to someone they would benefit from meeting – reciprocity at work!

Every one, solid top of the funnel activity that builds a strong sales footprint.

And finally….

  1. Deal with a rejection to make it a learning opportunity.

Training for Telesales | The Sales Improvement Workshop | Telesales Training Course Based on Your Specific Sales Challenges

To check out the full course agenda, then hit the link The Sales Improvement Workshop

Everything you need to propel your sales results is there! If you’re looking for a sales training for telesales then this is the most comprehensive, tailored and relevant course for you, totally bespoke, we cover everything your team need to be able to sell.

Things like:

  • Making the most of your first 30 seconds
  • Objection handling
  • Call qualification
  • Peer to peer discovery calls
  • Prospect selection
  • Questioning skills
  • Using trial closes
  • Asking for commitment,
  • Value proposition building
  • Following up without stalking
  • Creating relevance and urgency
  • Engaging the buying committee
  • Building rapport
  • Gate keeper management …

All the other elements of training for telesales, cold callers and lead generation training that make your sales team successful and help them stand out in your competitive market space.

B2B Telesales Training and Cold Calling Sales Training have the power to revolutionise any business when they are done well!

Join us on The Sales Improvement Workshop and unleash your sales potential today

Call 0779 002 1885 for availability and rates.

Training B2B Telesales can

  • Immediately improve how your people sell
  • How they think about selling and cold calling and
  • How much value they give to your prospects and future profitable customers.

The aim of the Morton Kyle B2B Telesales Training Course is to guarantee you fill your sales pipeline with filly qualified, high quality sales prospects that convert to orders, profit, turnover and a happy and stable sales team.

Summary | Training for Telesales

Being able to open cold conversations with buyers is a foundational skill in selling – the Morton Kyle telesales training solution is bespoke to your needs, the skill set and ambition of your team and deals specifically with the hearts and minds aspect of this role. Rejection need not be a way of life, and if your team B2B telesales team aren’t getting the sales results you think they deserve them we have a training for telesales that will work for you.

We have a range of telesales training courses proved to deliver.

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