Increasing Sales Conversion Rates

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BASIC B2B SALES TRAINING COURSE – Being Brilliant at the Sales Basics

BASIC B2B SALES TRAINING COURSE – Being Brilliant at the Sales Basics

Basic B2B sales training courses are not just for people who are new to sales and business development. Sometimes, especially when sales results are less than ideal, it’s useful to go back to first principles and review current practices, update those sales skills for the modern buyer, revitalising the sales team and their sales pitch….

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How to Build Value in Your Sales Pitch

How to Build Value in Your Sales Pitch

How to Build Value – answer that question, specifically for your business, for your buyer, and within the context of your competitive space and the sky really is the limit. Research is available that claim 57% of the buyer’s decision making is done BEFORE they invite the sales person in… Whether you believe them or not,…

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Risk, Value and Price | The Key to Higher Sales Conversions, Revenue and Margin

Risk, Value and Price | The Key to Higher Sales Conversions, Revenue and Margin

Risk, Value and Price Risk, Value and Price, and how your explore these areas with the buyer are the cornerstones are sales success. Or sales failure. How you position these three facrors with your prospects are leading indicators of how likley it is you will be able to close them! Fact. Get it wrong and…

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