Sales ROI

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High Performing Sales Closes | Building Prospect Engagement

High Performing Sales Closes | Building Prospect Engagement

High Performance Sales Closes are like Unicorns. They exist, but you don’t really sees the magic until after it’s happened – and then you realise. Sadly, too many sales leaders think that being able to close is the difference between hitting the sales target and missing it! This is not the case, Lack of closing…

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Using BANT in Sales to Improve Sales Results

Using BANT in Sales to Improve Sales Results

What is BANT in Sales ? BANT in sales means just one thing – a smart way of establishing the critical success factors in a sales interaction with a prospect. It’s the most basic, yet often the most ignored, conversational structure for meeting the buyer where they are in their journey….BUT, handle with care because…

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Sales ROI | Stop Wasting Your Time | All Leads Are Not Equal!

Sales ROI | Stop Wasting Your Time | All Leads Are Not Equal!

Sales ROI is your biggest safety net as a sales professional Sales is one of the fastest evolving industries….and it’s not likely to slow down anytime soon And with that realisation, add in that Buyers are getting more demanding Competition is increasing Budgets are getting smaller AND No-one wants to make a decision for fear…

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