Sales Curve Balls Exist Everywhere!
But they can only ever kill your sales deals dead if you don’t know how to avoid them!
This is why we offer the Sales Smart: Fixed Price Sales Training Workshops
Designed for you if you need help in a very specific sales area, are short on time, need something interactive where you can engage with the trainer, have a session that’s super-specific and relevant to your needs….and you need to be able to put the training into practice immediately!
If that’s you, or your team, then Sales Smart Workshops are designed for you!

Fixed Price Sales Training Workshops | Be Sales Smart with Morton Kyle | Live Interactive Workshops Online
You can book any of the courses listed below or tell us what you’re looking for and we’ll design something for you (and you’ll pay the same price – no design costs at all)
All Sales Smart workshops are 90 minutes maximum.
They are delivered online.
The Sales Smart Workshops are interactive with an experienced sales trainer
Each one costs just £595 plus VAT,
You get a 10% discount when you purchase more than 5 Sales Smart Workshops at any one time
So, what do you need help with today?
You’re Only As Strong As Your Weakest Skill!
Did you know that according to CSOInsights,
54% of sales professionals will NOT hit their sales targets this year?
I have a theory on this – that 54% of sales people who won’t hit their sales numbers are probably great sales people,…but only for 46% of the time.
Or, put another way, 46% of their sales skills are brilliantly employed, blindingly brilliant….the other 56%?
Well, not so good, in these skills they get easily beaten by the competition, out-foxed by the buyer, or they simply just miss the signals and the sale falls to another provider….your competitor!
Sales Smart Workshops are designed to get rid of your weakest skill and instead make it your sales super power!
How many of your sales team won’t hit their targets?
Whilst 54% of sales people is not a great number at all, looking on the positive side (and I always try to do that) it does mean that any sales team in this position has the opportunity to almost double their sales results without doubling their overhead…
If they just fix their weakest sales skills!
And only if the sales team know how to sell, are set up to succeed, motivated and coached to close that horrible sales gap.
Not a simple fix, but a fix that’s possible.
So the question is:
What’s the Gap Costing You?
I’m talking about the revenue, profit and market share gap between the sales revenues your sales team should be hitting versus the sales results they’re currently getting…
That Gap…what’s it costing you?
You’re getting half the sales you should get in any period…
How much is that costing you in lost revenue?
What’s it cost you in the last three years?
What’s it going to cost you in the next three years if you DO nothing about it?
Hold that number in your head…
And, ask yourself, if you’re not winning the deals you’d targeted the team to close, then who is winning that business?
Prospects haven’t stopped buying because your sales team can’t close, quite the reverse, that revenue that should have landed in your sales team has just been spent with your competitors.
It’s the sad truth, a gap is not just a gap in your sales revenue, that gap is a switch of money from your bank account to your competitors.
That gap you’re tolerating, sweating about, driving the sales team to close is actually the same gap that’s making your competitors, stronger, fitter, more competitive and hungrier…and, lest we forget, richer!
You can stop this now.

The Fixed Price Sales Training Course will help YOU and YOUR TEAM close that gap FAST.
Stop the sales leaks and give you and your team the greatest possible chance of success BECAUSE, here’s how I look at it.
If 54% of your sales team aren’t hitting target it means that you should be able to double your sales output without increasing your overheads, headcount or wage bill
If that’s the sort of business proposition that appeals to you, then let’s start talking.
We can talk about how your sales team are currently performing and what you’d like to improve that over the next few weeks.
Sales Smart Workshops – Just £595 per Workshop | 90 Mins | Unlimited Attendees
Our workshops currently cover the following – see below – but we’re adding more every week, and if you can’t see what you’re looking for, then just give us a call and we’ll see if we can design something just for you. But don’t worry…you’ll still just pay the same fixed fee!
And remember….
The Sales Smart Workshops are delivered on a ‘sales tool-kit’ format to deal with specific sales issues.
Each workshop is based on the very best sales methods available today, so this really is sales training based on how buyers want to buy today.
Attendees will leave understanding what great sales looks like from the sales and buyer perspective.
High impact, highly interactive, practical and results driven B2B sales training for all levels and experiences.
Delivered by an experienced trainer who loves selling and making sales!
Selling Vs Buying – Business Development & Sales Training that makes a difference!
The fact of the matter is that sales is a fluid industry.
Buyers are now setting the sales agenda much more than every before.
That can seriously damage and challenge lots of sales people.
Hence the reason why as many sales people typically fail to hit sales target than actually hit it.
Over the last 20 years I’ve been studying key reasons for success and failure in sales team, and the key differences in how those sales teams sell, and what a huge difference changing a few key elements of the sales pitch, the sales story and the sales mindset can make…
Here’s what I’ve found.
Sales people/teams tend to fail to hit their sales targets for a handful of key reasons:
- Inability to consistently fill the sales funnel with high quality, well profiled, high converting sales leads, which means they’re over farming old sales pipelines
- Not understanding on a daily basis the activities, habits, numbers needed to achieve a week-end or a month-end sales target
- Poor time management – wasting time on tasks that don’t contribute to the bottom line business
- Poor buyer communication, failing to grab attention and create value straight away
- Failing to ask the right questions, in the right format, at the right time to allow a faster, more relevant close
- Being scared of price, because they should be! Under performing sales people ask for the order without knowing if the answer will be yes! Again – failing to deliver value means the answer (if they ask the question) is most likely a no
- Failing to build buyer urgency
- Inability to qualify, treating all prospects as being of equal value. That’s both in and out of the sales pipeline, which means…
- Leaving the buyer confused at the end of the sales presentation
- Confusing the sales process with a free information and advice service…forgetting that it’s our job to make it easy for the buyer to say ‘yes’
- Not talking about competitors, risk because they’re scared of objections, resistance or push back
- Letting the sales process develop without digging for, exposing and dealing with explicit and implicit objections
- Poor sales follow up process…80% of sales will require at least 12 chase stages…
- Inability to create clear blue sky between their offering and that of the competitor
Current Sales Smart Workshops
Our Sales Smart Workshop, as well as our comprehensive range of business development training courses, are designed specifically to address all of these issues.
Current Workshops include:
- Filling the Sales Diary because every empty selling slot is forever lost
- Keeping the Sales Funnel Flowing because a slow and congested sales funnel costs money
- Efficient and Effective Sales Presentations because being able to influence, persuade, entertain and educate takes skill
- Smart Sales Closing because working hard and not getting the business is just a crime.
- Increasing Sales Conversions because success is addictive and should be a competitive sport not something to dread doing!
- Boosting Prices because being the cheapest is just a race to the bottom
- Minimising Objections because the best sales pitches have zero buyer resistance by design
- Generating Cross Sales, Up Sales and Referrals …every time, because your competitors won’t be doing this and it’s the easiest way to increase the sales order value and build the sales pipeline with warm leads
- Building a Strong Sales Pipeline – Quality and Quantity because that’s how you build a scaleable sales function and the sales team gets it’s own unstoppable momentum (ask me about filling milk bottles – it works a dream)
- Demonstrating ROI and Building Value – because this is the fastest way to get from ‘hello’ to ‘thank you for your order’!

Hitting Your Key Sales Improvement Drivers Fast
Don’t think this are out the box workshops.
We offer this course at a fixed price because all the modules you’ll access are pre-designed, we simply need to select and modify (where necessary) the units that you need to solve you very specific sales challenges.
The result is that you get a semi-bespoke sales training course that challenges the sales behaviours, habits, mindsets and activities you want, and it’s very easy to budget for!
How do we do this?
Prior to the course, we explore your key sales issues.
That way you know the training focus is geared to have the maximum positive impact.
Plus – we agree what your team must deliver as a result of the training!
Whatever the needs of your sales team, our Sales Smart Workshops have you covered and primed for success.
If it’s affecting your sales results, your profitability and your business performance then we obviously need to do something about it.
This Fixed Price Sales Training course, which is part of our extensive catalogue of sales improvement workshops, is:
- Just £595 per workshop (plus VAT)
- 90 mins duration
- Invite as many attendees as you wish
- Claim a 10% discount when you book more than 5 courses at any one time / single booking
- High Impact
- Practical
- Full to bursting with proven sales improvement techniques you can use IMMEDIATELY
- Focused on getting the highest possible ROI back into your business as fast as possible
- Maximising conversion rates, profits, market wins and time
To discuss your specific sales issues and how the Fixed Price Sales Training course can help you call 0779 002 1885
Check out – Recent attendees give their feedback in ‘Client’s View’ section which you’ll find at the top of the page.
Plus, here’s some of our other sales improvement courses:
Fix & Flow – 90 Days Sales Improvement Program
The Sales Improvement Workshop
To talk about these courses or to book your Sales Smart course today – don’t forget, book early and claim your discount if you book more than
Contact us on 0779 002 1885 to look at a Sales Smart Workshop that solves your critical sales issues

With so much information available about how to improve sales, the best sales methods, the changing needs of buyers, what sales process to use… it’s often tough to know where to start if you want better sales results.
That’s why we create CLARITY from CONFUSION!
With our holistic approach to improving B2B sales performance, my clients can see an immediate uplift in sales outputs because we only focus on the elements of your sales function that are dragging your sales results down.
There is nothing hit and miss with our sales improvement interventions – whether that’s sales coaching, sales training or sales strategy.
What does that mean for you? Faster progress, less effort, fewer changes, less friction, smoother transition from the old to the new.
Don’t get bogged down in out the box sales solutions and ‘hit and run’ sales training – you’re closer than you think to getting the sales results you want, you don’t need to start from scratch.
So, what’s your sales challenge?
Let’s chat!