Picture the scene….
You know you’re great at what you do.
But you’re not entirely sure you’ve hit your peak yet.
You feel like you have more to give, that you can develop and grow still.
You look at where you are, versus where you would like to be.
Bridging the gap doesn’t seem too tough….you’ve seen others do it.
You’re open to the challenge…you’d enjoy it.
But three prevailing questions keep you stuck:
- I don’t know what’s missing – that ‘thing’ that if I actually mastered it, would take me to a whole new level in my sales career
- Where, or how, do I even start to get myself outside of my head long enough to get a realistic and impartial view of where I am versus where I could be?
- How can I get started on this journey in a low risk, low cost way?
I hope this page gives you some help in navigating some of those concerns.
Are you ready to challenge yourself and unleash your full sales potential?
Being able to reflect on where you are, versus where you would like to be is a sign of great maturity.
An even bigger indicator is the reasonable conclusion that sometimes you might need just a bit of help to bridge the gap between now and the future you.
And, in doing so avoid that age old conundrum that, your blind spots might well be blinding you!
So, hopefully that’s what brings you here.
You’re looking for a big mirror!
With a mix of guidance, support, a sounding board, experience and a good ear…someone in your corner who is cheering for you!
A process to help you unpick what you’ve done and rebuild those same skills to help you launch forward at speed…
A means of unpicking that vague sense of unease, a sense you could be doing better, producing more, a bit further forward?
Because you have plans…perhaps critical plans you need to get moving on?
Or a big sales promotion you want to prepare for?
Or you’re tired of getting the same career blocking feedback at every appraisal?
Maybe you’re fretting over a roadblock issue that’s stopping you moving forward?
Or, maybe you don’t know what you don’t know?
Sales Coaching: A Sales Coach to Focus on YOU!
Booking your first Sales Performance Coaching session is definitely a great way to work towards absolute clarity…freeing you up to take action!.
Your first sales coaching session will help you uncover what’s holding you back from being the best sales person you can be…and is the start of building a sales improvement plan just for you.
We’ll also use that same session to start mapping our your ambitions and your drivers, your motivations and your triggers….your sales improvement plan is your accountability charter, something we commit to working on together so you see the breakthroughs you commit to achieving.
So, if you’re ready to do a deep dive on your specific sales challenges or get a course correct on your sales skills, habits, behaviours, mindset, confidence and ambition….then you can book your first discussion by calling Carol on 0779 002 1885
How Sales Performance Coaching Works
We explore where you are and where you want to go, what you want to realistically achieve, and by when.
You commit to a plan of action….your personal sales improvement plan.
Fully supported, you begin your journey.
Weekly 60 minute sessions are hard appointments in your diary.
You’ll be accountable for delivering against agreed outputs and actions based on what you’re trying to achieve.
Together we’ll work through your sales roadblocks, minimising anything that’s stopping you from achieving your greatest sales potential.
You put in the work – your success is guaranteed.
The Impact of Sales Coaching on Performance
You’ll see measurable progress on your goals – we’ll both be monitoring this closely.
Accountability is high on the agenda.
Decision making will become quicker
Confidence will increase as you see progress and success
You’ll gain clarity
You’ll start to relax, with a feeling of control and confidence in your ability to deliver
What you’ll learn through this period of sales coaching will be the skills you’ll be able to tap into during the rest of your sales career…
Maybe skills like critical problem solving, self reflection, planning, goal setting….
Skills that you can use to help you, your colleagues, your team, family and friends
Whether you are looking for help to unblock your own sales performance, the sales performance of you team or your whole organisation, you have access to the skills, experience and focus of a High Performance Sales Coach who has successfully built, rescued, coached and managed sales functions for over 30 years, helping 1000’s of people succeed in sales.
Working with a Sales Coach has Measurable Benefits – Recent Sales Performance Coaching Clients
Here are some of the recent challenges I’ve worked through with my clients:
Sales Director – has a sales team of 15, all highly skilled, all highly capable, but the business was suffering due to the lack of focus, motivation and direction in the team, turnover and revenue were stable but not increasing and competitors were getting greedy…he’s feeling the pressure and wants to get ahead of the inevitable downward curve
Key New Business Development Executive – suffering low motivation, lack of focus, falling out of love with the role, the business and the daily grind…the question is – does he change companies but stay in sales, does he apply for more responsibility in the same company, or does he leave sales completely and move into another field
MD – running a small sales function remotely, desperately keen to build a more dynamic new business function but unable to motivate, manage or direct the existing sales team
Business Development Manager – wanted to prepare for a Senior BDM role and was lacking interview practice, confidence and presentation skills to showcase his best self
What Sort of Results Can You Expect from High Performance Sales Coaching?
Let me ask you that same question a slightly different way…what level level of effort, commitment and energy are you prepared to put in to achieve your goals?
Our initial discussion will be to create a working plan to get you from where you are presently to where you’d like to be.
How much time and meaningful focus you give your plan, and the results you’ll achieve is completely up to you.
How you take the journey is up to you, the effort you put in, the commitment you make.
I do know one thing…that is, you’ll be motivated to try harder by seeing your own success.
Regular success.
During our weekly sessions you’ll explore what you’ve achieved, how and it’s impact on the big goals you’ve set. You’re accountability is key.
Your success is my success, so don’t expect an easy ride!
Making the Most of your Sales Coaching: Your Commitment to Be The Best You!
When you start your coaching journey we’ll agree what your commitment is.
Some challenges will be easier for you to solve than others.
Some breakthroughs will take slightly longer.
You being personally coached and held responsible to deliver against a plan you’ve agreed to is a major undertaking.
Presumably you’re seeking guidance, support and accountability on this task before you’ve tried to conquer this challenge(s) before but not quite got the results you want?
And that’s ok.
It’s the same for almost all of my clients.
Sales performance coaching is for when you’re tired of thinking about stuff.
Now you want to get on and move the needle.
Release your full sales potential.
What’s Next?
To welcome you to Morton Kyle and to minimise any risk you can when using our Sales Performance Coaching Services we’re offering you a special offer – call to check availability – Sales Performance Coaching – Special Offer

Call/text Carol on 0779 002 1885 to discuss what you’re looking to achieve.
Your sales performance coaching is probably one of the biggest steps you’ll take, and to get to that stage where it will really work well for you, you’ll need to accept that you need support to get where you want…when you get to that point let’s chat

With so much information available about how to improve sales, the best sales methods, the changing needs of buyers, what sales process to use… it’s often tough to know where to start if you want better sales results.
That’s why we create CLARITY from CONFUSION!
With our holistic approach to improving B2B sales performance, my clients can see an immediate uplift in sales outputs because we only focus on the elements of your sales function that are dragging your sales results down.
There is nothing hit and miss with our sales improvement interventions – whether that’s sales coaching, sales training or sales strategy.
What does that mean for you? Faster progress, less effort, fewer changes, less friction, smoother transition from the old to the new.
Don’t get bogged down in out the box sales solutions and ‘hit and run’ sales training – you’re closer than you think to getting the sales results you want, you don’t need to start from scratch.
So, what’s your sales challenge?
Let’s chat!