B2B Sales Course | Grow Your Sales

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B2B Sales Course | Grow Your Sales

This page gives you an over view of the B2B Sales Training Courses available from Morton Kyle Limited.

These courses can be delivered in-situ, or via a virtual learning environment to group sizes from 2 – 12.

Based in the UK and delivering globally, our B2B sales training courses are designed to drive increased sales results, sales conversion, margin and turnover.

Our B2B sales courses all support continuous sales improvement and knowledge transfer from us to you at a leadership and coaching level so you can enjoy the ongoing benefits of the training long after we’ve the training is complete.

Helping Your Build Your ‘How to Sell’ Solution.

Every organisation and every sales function will have its own culture, its own strengths and challenges.

Every Morton Kyle B2B sales course reflects this.

At Morton Kyle we pride ourselves on only delivering b2b sales training courses that move the sales dial.

Every B2B sales course comes with agreed sales metrics and milestones before we start.

We won’t waste your time or budget training your team in sales areas you’re already great in, we will spend our time deep diving into understanding why you’re getting the results you are and what you can do to make them better – then we train to that remit.

You’d be surprised what a difference it can make in a relatively short space of time!

You can find out more about this by taking a look at The Morton Kyle Sales Training Charter

This page is simply to give you an idea of scope and coverage – please contact me directly to discuss your vision for your sales team and the results you’d like to be posting after you’ve trained and developed your team.


Exploring How to Sell | Bespoke Sales Training | Selecting Your B2B Sales Course:

How to use this page:

Read it in conjunction with The Morton Kyle Sales Training Charter

Think about the sales results you’d like to celebrate after the sales training, that way when we have our conversation it’s about working out how to close the gap between where you are and where you’d like to be.

That way we can spend our time discussing a ‘how to sell’ training package that fits your specific needs.

Don’t spend too much time worrying about the how to get there and how we’ll build a sales training course that delivers for you at this stage, that will come later.

Typical B2B Sales Job Functions 

Over the years we’ve trained people in many sales and customer facing functions including:

b2b sales course

  • Sales Executives
  • Sales Graduates
  • Direct Sales
  • Inside Sales
  • Customer Service Executives
  • Help Desk Call Handlers
  • Complaint Handlers
  • Appointment Setters
  • Lead Generators
  • New Business Generators
  • Account Managers
  • Business Development Managers
  • Telemarketers
  • Field Sales
  • Account Directors
  • Sales Coaches
  • Trainers – Sales, Customer Service, Business Development, General
  • Sales Team Leaders
  • Managers – Sales Leaders, Managers, Assistants, Functional Heads, Divisional Heads, Product/Service Leaders
  • Sales Directors
  • Customer Service Directors
  • Business Owner/Directors

Bespoke Sales Training | Sector Experience:

  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Packaging
  • SaaS
  • Outsourcing
  • BPO
  • Contact Centre
  • Software
  • Automotive/Leasing
  • Finance
  • Insurance
  • Data/Information
  • Professional Services
  • Charity

B2B Sales Training Courses at All Levels | From Hello to Order | From Opening, to Questioning, Objection Handling to Closing the Sales

Morton Kyle B2B sales training courses are available and tailored to all levels of skill and business ambition:

Basic – the rock solid foundation of great sales performance

Intermediate – incremental and continuous sales improvement comes from embracing the activities, habits, skills and mindset of the average performer and taking it to another level that sets you and your business apart from your competitors. Strategic competitive advantage is not in what you sell, it’s in how you sell.

Advanced  – disruptive sales training, highly tailored and developed after extensive consultation and testing

Every B2B sales training course is entirely bespoke to your business.

Every sales team must sell, but rarely in the same way.

Need a Generic B2B Sales Course? | Telephone Sales Training | Field Based Sales Training | Sales Management Development

Morton Kyle Limited also deliver selective generic courses that have been developed and refined over time and drawn on the experience gained from conducting sales improvement, sales turnaround and sales launches over the last 25 years.

A generic B2B sales training course rely on practical experience combined with the most up to date sales methodology and buyer research.

Online B2B Sales Training Courses

Many of the b2b sales courses translate easily from the classroom to online – with the added benefit that often deliver can be broken down into modules, giving the students the opportunity to implement the new skills and ideas as the course progresses. 

If you’re looking for a more modular delivery please get in touch to discuss

B2B Sales Training and Business Development Courses – Download Now

  • Sales Appointment Setting
  • Lead Generation
  • How to Increase Your Average Order Value
  • Cross Selling and Up Selling
  • Creating a Winning Sales Call Structure
  • Pricing and Closing
  • Creating B2B Sales Value Propositions
  • What Sales Questions to Ask, When and Why
  • Building Sales Processes to Support Sales Growth
  • Sales Leadership for Team Leaders
  • Sales Metrics to Manage Sales Performance
  • Recruiting First Class Sales People – Building a Sales Talent Pipeline
  • Objection Handling and the Zero Objection Pitch
  • How to Stun Your Prospects and Remove Competitors Forever
  • How to Design a B2B Sales Training Course

If you can’t find the sales training package you’re looking for, please let us know and we’ll put it on our list.

Our Promise | The Perfect B2B Sales Course for Your Team

As a professional sales training organisation Morton Kyle Limited want to ensure that you have the best possible experience when engaging our B2B sales training services, so let’s chat and find the best B2B training solution for your business, your team, you and your bottom line…how to sell is at the heart of every sales led organisation, let us help you develop a sales style, method and skill set that sets you sales team apart from the rest,

Your B2B sales training courses will help your sales team and their leaders to deliver the agreed results, will be fully supported by your trainer pre and post delivery and will incorporate a full knowledge transfer and sales management pack to help you build continuous sales improvement into your sales function.

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